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By: LDI Connect on July 16, 2020

Protecting Your Business From the Dark Web

Cyber Security

As cyber security threats continue to evolve in the digital age, it’s important to recognize the different pathways hackers can use to identify and steal your organization’s valuable data. There are many outlets that can contribute to digital theft, including email, passwords, social media, and web crawling. One of the most common systems involves the dark web. LDI CONNECT offers dark web scans that allow you to be proactive in preventing a data breach. We let you know in real-time what passwords and accounts have been posted on the dark web, and take action to protect your business from stolen credentials that have been posted for sale.

The Dark Web Explained

The dark web is simply a world wide web of content that can only be accessed utilizing specific softwares or configurations. This means that individuals on the dark web have extensive knowledge in that environment, and know how to identify and track valuable information. Hackers access the web using encryption to hide their locations while conducting illegal activity. A wide majority of the dark web is dedicated to selling and purchasing stolen personal and financial information. This means that if your company’s valuable data is breached, it could be accessible to thieves. Personal information such as social security numbers, credit cards, and medical records can even be found on the dark web.


The Dark Web & Your Workplace

Without knowing it, your employees could be spreading corporate information just by leaving digital footprints in their everyday computer or cell phone activity. An individuals password or email connected to your business could potentially lead to a breach. This means information can be circulating the dark web due to one mishap from an employee without intent. A dark web scan can protect your business by scouring through networks of stolen data and alerting you immediately, if your information has been found.

It is evident that cyber attacks have been growing due to the expansion of technology, but this burst in breaches can also be contributed to a shift in target. Based on the Ponemon Institute 2020 report, 76% of small to medium sized businesses faced a cyber security attack during 2019. This number has grown from 55% of attacks on small to medium sized businesses in 2018. Hackers have found it easier to find unprotected, valuable data from smaller organizations operating without proper security.

Although these hackers are out there, and growing, it’s important to prepare your organization for a breach. Proper software and management can save your company up to millions in damages, and lost time trying to restore your data. LDI CONNECT can acknowledge in real-time, your company’s stolen passwords to stop and protect your digital footprint from a breach. Protect yourself today with LDI CONNECT.

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